
The Parse APIs are organized around REST and return JSON-encoded responses (including errors), and use standard HTTP response codes.

They are designed to allow you integrate quickly and easily into your application.

Each API operates independently and is organized to have predictable, straightforward URLs.



The Parse APIs use API keys to authenticate requests. You can view and manage your API keys in the Parse Dashboard.

All API requests may be made over HTTPS. API requests without authentication will fail.



The API makes use of standard HTTP errors to indicate the success or failure of a request.

The 2xx series of response codes indicate a success, 4xx indicates an error from the client side, and a 5xx error indicates a server side error.

Here are the HTTP response codes the API utilizes:

  • 200 - OK Everything worked as expected.
  • 400 - Bad Request The request was unacceptable, often due to missing a required parameter.
  • 401 - Unauthorized Invalid authentication details. API Key Invalid.
  • 404 - Not Found The requested resource doesn't exist.
  • 429 - Too Many Requests Too many requests in a given amount of time (plan upgrade needed).
  • 500 - Internal Server Error Something went wrong on our end.